Pass Type: All Access Pass, Main Conference Pass
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Session Topic: Video/Visual Marketing
You’re working hard to communicate with your audience. Emails, newsletters, social media—you name it. Strategy, data, and AI all play their parts. That’s a lot, and it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. You know, content that builds a connection with your audience. Do it right… earn trust. Do it wrong, and… click. Your audience leaves.
What you need is a north star. Something that puts you on the right path and holds you accountable. What you need is a formula for success.
Three-time Emmy winner and Amazon #1 Bestselling author Tony Gnau has been telling corporate stories for 20+ years. He’s been a part of successful campaigns… and some clunkers. The key to the success stories? A simple formula you can apply to any type of content—especially video. Find out how the formula has helped more than a few projects and even saved Tony’s life. Seriously. It saved his life.
In this session, you’ll learn: