MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2023

Opening General Session and Keynotes

October 5 - 8:30am to 10:15am

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Conference Only Pass, Livestream Lite Pass, Livestream Pass

Session Type: Keynote

Session Topic: Keynote

Opening Remarks with Ann Handley

Kick off B2B Forum in style with the one and only Ann Handley!


Digital Doppelgänger(s) with Andrew Davis

How savvy B2B marketers are augmenting their unique talents using the magic of AI.

Artificial Intelligence feels like magic.

Draft a smart prompt, and presto! ChatGPT conjures up your whitepapers, crafts your B2B nurturing sequences, and devises your LinkedIn strategy. You can even commission Google Bard to respond to intricate B2B client inquiries!

AI is truly awe-inspiring. But most AI-generated content, emails, and strategies are generic at best—and nonsense at worst.

That is—until you start building your Digital Doppelgänger.

Your Digital Doppelgänger is your AI-powered creative collaborator. Your virtual twin. They’re your brainstorming partner, confidant, writing counterpart, and strategic advisor.

Your Digital Doppelgänger isn’t just AI.
They are IA – Intelligence Augmentation.
They don’t replace your skills.
They enhance your talents.
(Of course, they have the power to destroy too.)

In this exhilarating 45-minute session, Andrew Davis (and his Digital Doppelgänger) will show you how to build your very own AI-powered creative collaborators. He’ll show you the four-step iterative process one savvy marketer uses to augment their unique writing style, saving 39 valuable working hours. You’ll even witness AI’s power to destroy client trust and learn the only way to avoid it.

Most importantly, Andrew will demonstrate why AI can make YOU more valuable than ever.

So, are you ready to create your first Digital Doppelgänger?


AI Unplugged: A Fireside Chat with Two AI Marketing Leaders with Christopher S. Penn, Paul Roetzer (and Ann Handley)

How should B2B marketers be thinking about Generative AI? AI is omnipresent in B2B marketing. Here for the first time together on stage are two of the foremost AI marketing leaders, Paul Roetzer and Christopher S. Penn.

In this unscripted and useful fireside chat, they’ll share their perspective about how we can best think about adopting or further integrating AI… no matter your organization’s level of maturity. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear about AI directly from those who’ve been immersed in AI from the start.

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