MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2023


Discover the Brain Science That Drives B2B Buyer Behavior with Nancy Harhut

Are you using behavioral science in your marketing? You may want to start, because it taps into your buyer’s decision making shortcuts, says Nancy Harhut, founder of HBT Media. For over 15 years, Nancy has applied behavioral science in her marketing to great effect. And in this insightful clip from her standing-room-only session from B2B […]

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All NEW Data-Based Email Marketing Tips with Jay Schwedelson

Jay Schwedelson is an email marketer. He’s sent billions of emails in the last decade. And Jay has learned that small changes can have a huge impact on your clicks and responses. Because, Jay says, it’s not about what you say in an email. It’s how your reader processes your email that makes the difference! […]

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Creating Content to Bust Biases and Convert with Kenda MacDonald

People don’t think critically. Instead, their “mental Minions” apply shortcuts to their thinking—which lead to Minion-level mistakes in decision making! This can have terrible consequences in your marketing and lead generation, says Kenda Macdonald. During her B2B Forum 2023 session, Kenda shared her knowledge of how buyers think—and how you can overcome their Minions in […]

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Using Data and AI to Foster Engagement Along the Full Customer Journey with Carlos Hidalgo

Careful with your B2B relationships. Marketing’s job is not to make an immediate sale, warns Carlos Hidalgo. Instead, your job is to understand your customer and help them solve problems. Carlos explained why this is so important and how to accomplish it during his B2B Forum presentation in 2023. Watch a clip from Carlos’ talk […]

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Navigating the B2B Inbox—What’s Working and What Isn’t with Michael Barber

You can have the best email marketing in the world, with a great offer that appeals to your perfect prospects. But if your emails don’t reach the inbox, your campaign will never get off the ground. As email has evolved, so has email security. And in this clip, Michael Barber describes the different types of […]

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How to Power Your B2B Marketing With Generative AI with Paul Roetzer

Where is AI going? And how can you, a marketer, benefit from advances in AI? Paul Roetzer outlines how his team uses AI to multiply content—including podcasts and blog posts—to increase their marketing footprint in his presentation at B2B Forum 2023. Watch this short clip from Paul’s presentation or read the transcript below for ideas […]

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Thought Leadership & Story-Finding Generate a Constant Stream of Ideas to Engage Your Audience with Rhea Wessell

Want to stand out as a thought leader in your industry? It helps to have experiences—and to write your content in a journalistic way, says Rhea Wessel. Rhea runs workshops to help individuals and companies rise above the noise with the clarity and originality of their ideas. And at B2B Forum 2023, she shared her […]

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Video Strategy Creating a Plan for B2B Video Success with Tony Gnau

Everyone’s got a screen in their pocket. And between YouTube, Tik-Tok, Reels, and other platforms, video is the number one consumed media. Meaning, your audience gets most information from video So why not use videos to introduce your company and your offers? In this clip from B2B Forum 2023, video marketing expert Tony Gnau breaks […]

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Driving Successful Change in a B2B Marketing Team with Tom Swanson

Change is hard for an individual. It’s even harder for teams. But there are approaches to successfully implementing change in your marketing team. Tom Swanson, Engagement Manager at Heinz Marketing Inc., presented his version of change management at B2B Forum in 2023. Discover a few of Tom’s secrets in this video clip, or read the […]

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Six Steps to Show Content Marketing ROI to Your Boss with Michael Brenner

Marketers tend to throw a lot of things at the wall, to see what sticks. But Michael Brenner, founder of Marketing Insideer Group, doesn’t believe in random marketing. More than 60% of web visits come from organic search, says Michael, meaning our content marketing has a much higher ROI than other efforts. In his presentation […]

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Activating Purpose in Your Organization with Jacqueline Babb

It’s never too late to inject purpose into your brand. But marketing can’t do it alone, says Jacqueline Babb, marketing consultant and IMC Academic Director at Northwestern University. Instead, your organization’s purpose needs to reach throughout your company, including stakeholders and decision makers.  Hear how to infuse purpose into your organization with this clip from […]

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How to Unlock the Power of a Strong Organic Social Media Strategy with Dorien Morin-van Dam

Market research gets a bad rap. We’ve all heard that research is the best way to know our markets. But we tend to put research, the activity, into its own corner. We often avoid it. It’s not something we do all the time, every day. Or is it? In this clip from B2B Forum 2023, […]

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Shifting a Traditional Marketer Mindset in the Time of AI with Cathy McPhillips

Podcasters, video marketers, and content creators, listen up! AI tools are everywhere, and they’re simplifying your workflow. In this clip from B2B Forum, Cathy McPhillips from the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute shares the tools and methods she uses to produce and edit podcast episodes, create blog posts about the episode topics, and more. To speed […]

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Dine & Doodle: Wake Up Your Visual Brain (No Artistic Talent Required!) With Kelly Kingman

Marketing is about communicating ideas. And while words can do that—so can images. And images can do it faster. Plus, images can help you think through problems better and more creatively. But what if you’re not an artist? Kelly Kingman says you’re focused on the wrong thing. In her Dine and Doodle session at B2B […]

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Playing Favorites: Inside the Development Process of Shows (Podcasts and Video) Audiences Adore with Jay Acunzo

Podcaster, how do you stand out and create loyal fans? Jay Acunzo is a podcaster and producer who wants audiences to resonate with the podcasts they listen to—and the people behind them. But you can’t do that without realizing what does not work. In this clip from Jay’s B2B Forum session in 2023, Jay reveals […]

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Embracing Customer Centricity: The New Rules of Marketing with Dina Otero

Data isn’t always cut-and-dry, structured, and organized. Your organization may have customer data scattered across departments, including unstructured data from sales calls and more. In this clip from her session at B2B Forum 2023, Dina Otero (VP of Demand Gen at Mission Cloud) uncovers the different places your data may be hiding, and how to […]

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Clean Up Your Language with Allen Weiss

Want to become a better leader in your organization? Stop offering “value” and “quality” to your customers.  Those terms don’t mean anything, says MarketingProfs founder and CEO Allen Weiss. Allen isn’t suggesting you lower the quality or value of your offer, of course—but that your team rallies around better words. For Allen’s insights on creating […]

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The Legal Side of AI with Ruth Carter

Marketers, as a group, are one of the largest adopters of generative AI tools like ChatGPT. But what rights do you have over the content AI produces? And how does that impact your use of that content? In this clip from B2B Forum 2023, attorney Ruth Carter explains how copyright law applies to AI output […]

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Houston, We Have a Landing Page Problem—And ChatGPT Might Be the Solution with Wil Reynolds

Worried about ChatGPT replacing search—and the traffic you get from it? Don’t be, says Wil Reynolds, founder of Seer Interactive. People aren’t yet comfortable with these new tools. Instead, use Generative AI tools to solve complex problems quickly. Wil used ChatGPT to answer a years-old data question—in a matter of minutes. Hear how he did […]

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Lead From Behind: Ways to Lead When You’re Not in Charge with Moni Oloyede

Look around you. At work, at home, in your community—certainly, there is something you’d like to improve. And you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” But how do you get there? Moni Oloyede shared her insights to change at B2B Forum 2023. And she reminds us it […]

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LinkedIn Ads Pitfalls: How to Double Your Ad Performance with AJ Wilcox

Unlike some social media sites, LinkedIn is starving for authentic content. Which means your personal organic posts will get up to 10x more views, comments, and likes than a company’s post. 10x is a huge difference—and can change the ROI of your ad spend. So how do you combine these ideas of getting more interaction […]

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Advanced SERP Analysis for 10X SEO Performance with Tom Shapiro

Companies—including yours and your competitors—are competing to rank higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). But your SEO keyword research is only half the battle, says Tom Shapiro. Tom, an SEO expert and CEO of Stratabeat, believes there’s another half to your research that many marketers overlook. And he revealed this missing half in his […]

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Rise of the Internal Influencer with Devin Bramhall and Ashley Faus

Organic branded content is losing influence on social media. If you want to expand your content’s reach, you have to pay. At least, that’s how many people see it. But Devin Bramhall and Ashley Faus have a different take. You don’t have to pay to get your content out there. Instead, you have to tap […]

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Conversations That Connect Connect, Converse, & Convert Through Social Media & Customer Care with Brooke Sellas

Social media is a 24/7 game. And more and more, buyers are using social media as a support channel. Yet, most companies play this game like it’s a 9-to-5. Which means that customers are coming to your social channels, looking for support… and for most of the week, no one is answering their questions. This […]

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Cut the BS: B2B Influencer Marketing Strategies That Actually Work, with Ashley Zeckman

Influencer Marketing is today’s social-media-focused spokesperson. But does influencer marketing work in B2B? And who is a good influencer for your brand, anyway? In this clip from B2B Forum 2023, Ashley Zeckman, VP of strategy and customer success for Onalytica, shines a light on six different influencer marketing models and why you may want to […]

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Recession-Proof Your B2B Marketing Strategy with Samantha Stone

Marketer, do you price for positioning… or for profit? Samantha Stone suggests—during tough economic times—you price for profit. But doesn’t that approach risk cutting your company out of deals? Not if you change up your offer, says Samantha, Founder & CMOFounder & CMO of The Marketing Advisory Network. Get Samantha’s money-making marketing insights from her […]

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Navigating the Labyrinth: Three Steps That Lead Every GTM Strategy and Buyer to Great Content

In the last few years, buyers have adjusted their behavior. Customers no longer respond to content marketing. Instead, you have to give them a content experience, says Randy Frisch, co-founder of Uberflip. And that means marketers have to support the buyer at every stage of their journey. Watch a clip from Randy’s B2B Forum 2023 […]

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Belonging to the Brand: Why Community is the Last Great Marketing Strategy

Strong marketing helps to build relationships between a brand and its audience. But having an audience may not be enough, says marketing strategy consultant Mark Schaefer. Instead of an audience that can come and go, a community has relationships among the members of that community. Watch Mark’s comments from B2B Forum 2023 in the video […]

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Pitch Perfect How to Translate Your Positioning Into a Sales Pitch That Wins Deals with April Dunford

Your hardest competitor to beat in sales isn’t another business at all. It’s the status quo. It’s easier for a decision maker to make no purchase at all, than to make a mistake that could cost that person their job, says April Dunford, author of Obviously Awesome: How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get […]

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Unlocking Success: The C.A.S.H. Framework for Sales and Marketing, with A. Lee Judge

As a marketer, how do you get your voice heard in sales meetings and your team trusted by company executives? Lee Judge presented his C.A.S.H. framework at B2B Forum 2023, giving attendees a roadmap to do just that. Ensure your marketing results are both accurate and respected by executives and the sales team with this […]

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How to Really Communicate: The Hidden Way You Might Be Undermining Your Ability to Build Trust, Gain Credibility, and Be Irresistibly Likable with Mark Bowden

Here’s the bad news. Despite your best efforts… your customers, your coworkers, and even your friends and family will judge you. They’ll distort the things you say. But there’s good news. Their judgment—and the resulting distortions—can either be negative about you, or positive. And with the right cues, you can sway their judgment towards the […]

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Stop Telling Stories! Create Brand Conversations That Actually Convert, Presented by The Brand Trifecta

Do you have an offer that—you believe—more people should buy? Most marketers do. And we make the mistake of trying to convince people, “THIS is the right solution for you!” Kate DiLeo says we’re doing it wrong. In this clip from Kate’s B2B Forum 2023 presentation, she reminds us to stop selling to everyone. Instead, […]

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Preparing For the Next Generation of B2B Marketing-Driven Experiences Presented by Demand Spring

It may seem like, in just a quick year, generative AI tools like ChatGPT sprung from nowhere. But these tools are based on long-developed research from disparate fields. Generative AI just pulled them together. And AI will impact marketers the most. In this talk from B2B Forum 2023, Matt Roberts from Demand Spring shares his […]

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Nurturing Brand Loyalty: The Art of Building a B2B Community

As your company grows, you may start to think about hosting your own trade show or conference. How do you balance the vendor needs with the community? How do you keep people engaged and provide for their needs while still In this clip from MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2023, Elizabeth Powell discuss this balance and gives […]

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How to Automate Sales and Loyalty Incentives in a Competitive Market

Discounts, lead magnets, bonuses, rebates, and more—marketers use incentives to attract buyers and qualified leads all the time. But how often do we ask ourselves if our efforts are fiscally responsible? Are you targeting the right people with your marketing? In this clip from B2B Forum, Michael Schroeer, marketing product manager at Tango Card, shares […]

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First-Page Rankings in 7 Weeks, Presented by Demand Jump

How is SEO ranking determined? Yes, there are keywords and key phrases, links, and domain authority to consider. But to get high SEO rankings, you have to provide valuable content that your market actually cares about—and give it to them, step by step. How can you find what your market cares about? By mapping a […]

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5 Reasons B2B Forum Is the Best B2B Marketing Conference for You

5 Reasons B2B Forum Is the Best B2B Marketing Conference for You

If you’re a B2B marketer looking for the best marketing conference to grow your skills, MarketingProfs B2B Forum is the event for you. From inspirational keynotes that remind you how to find your passion to expert speakers who present the most relevant B2B-focused concepts each year to built-in moments to connect with fellow attendees, there’s […]

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The Top 10 Things You Need to Know to Design Kickass Emails and Landing Pages

Want a FAST way to make your customers love your marketing? First, make it all about THEM—not you, not your company, but your audience! Then, implement Knak founder Pierce Ujjainwalla’s CHEETAH framework in your landing pages and emails. Pierce describes CHEETAH in this video excerpt from MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2023. Transcript Now, this might be […]

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Real-World AI Use Cases to Accelerate Content and Drive ROI

Don’t fear AI—it’s not going to take your job! Instead, explains Alaura Weaver, you can use generative AI tools to increase your creativity, speed up your time-to-market, and let a wider range of people create content that aligns with your brand guidelines. Check out the excerpt from Alaura’s B2B Forum presentation, Real-World AI Use Cases […]

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Fresh Take Webinars as a Pipeline Accelerator Presented by Hubilo

If webinars aren’t integrated into your overall marketing strategy… You’re missing a huge opportunity to engage your audience! That’s because you can use webinars at any point in your customer’s journey to learn more about your audience’s interests, their challenges, and their role within a company. In this clip from Fresh Take: Webinars As A […]

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Plain Language Is Preferred…Even by PhDs

Industry jargon? Big words? Gobbledegook! Clear and persuasive marketing requires clear and simple language, explains Ahava Liebtag. Ahava, president of Aha Media Group, works primarily in the Healthcare space. And even in her highly educated market, she knows that plain language is key to making connections with her clients… and with their clients. In this […]

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The Simple But Strategic Approach to SEO… And How to Measure It in GA4

Before you put a lot of work into your site’s SEO, it’s helpful to know if your site even has a chance of ranking for specific keywords and phrases. And that starts by knowing your website’s Domain Authority. Andy Crestodina, founder of Orbit Media Studios, shares an eye-opening way to know your web domain’s ability […]

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Feeling B2B with Ann Handley: A B2B Marketing Expert Interview

Are You Feeling B2B? Have you ever thought about what makes B2B marketing special?  Because there is something about it, isn’t there? There’s a certain…feeling to B2B marketing that those of us who live in it day to day inherently understand.  We collaborated with MarketingProfs B2B Forum partner, TopRank Marketing, to explore that feeling with […]

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Feeling B2B with Wil Reynolds: A B2B Marketing Expert Interview

Are You Feeling B2B? Have you ever thought about what makes B2B marketing special?  Because there is something about it, isn’t there? There’s a certain…feeling to B2B marketing that those of us who live in it day to day inherently understand.  We collaborated with MarketingProfs B2B Forum partner, TopRank Marketing, to explore that feeling with […]

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Feeling B2B with Ahava Leibtag: A B2B Marketing Expert Interview

Have you ever thought about what makes B2B marketing special?  Because there is something about it, isn’t there? There’s a certain…feeling to B2B marketing that those of us who live in it day to day inherently understand.  We collaborated with MarketingProfs B2B Forum partner, TopRank Marketing, to explore that feeling with top experts in B2B […]

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Feeling B2B with Pam Didner: A B2B Marketing Expert Interview

Are You Feeling B2B? Have you ever thought about what makes B2B marketing special?  Because there is something about it, isn’t there? There’s a certain…feeling to B2B marketing that those of us who live in it day to day inherently understand.  We collaborated with MarketingProfs B2B Forum partner, TopRank Marketing, to explore that feeling with […]

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Feeling B2B with Joe Pullizi: A B2B Marketing Expert Interview

Are You Feeling B2B? Have you ever thought about what makes B2B marketing special?  Because there is something about it, isn’t there? There’s a certain…feeling to B2B marketing that those of us who live in it day to day inherently understand.  We collaborated with MarketingProfs B2B Forum partner TopRank Marketing to explore that feeling with […]

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How to B2B Podcast for Fun, Profit, and Branded Giggles, with George B. Thomas, Kerry Gorgone, and Matt Grant

Podcasts are a growing industry, with around 100 million listeners in 2023… in the US alone! Branded podcasts continue to grow, too. Branded podcasts build relationships with your audience, engaging your fan base and informing them on the current state of your industry or company. In this clip, three MarketingProfs Marketing Smarts podcast hosts—current host […]

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10 Creative Content Ideas You’ll Want to Try Today, by Lee Odden

Some days you’re a content machine! But other days you might struggle to come up with content ideas, or feel like you’re not the best source of specific information. That’s why Lee Odden (CEO and co-founder of TopRank Marketing) suggests partnering with influential people to co-create and co-promote content. Lee shares his ideas and favorite […]

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The Steps to a Credible and Defensible Market Position, by Allen Weiss

Market positioning is saying who your company can help—and who it can’t. And to make your positioning work for you, Allen Weiss says, you have to understand the benefits your product or service provides to the customer. For more on Allen’s positioning technique, watch the clip from Allen’s 2022 B2B Forum session or read the […]

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Marketing Planning for 2023 and Beyond, with Samantha Stone

In this digital age, it seems everything should be easier, right? Easier to send a thousand templated emails. Easier to use chatbots to resolve customer issues. But does our reliance on the easy route create distrust with our customers and prospects? In this excerpt from B2B Forum 2022, Samantha Stone helps you think differently about […]

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B2B Video How to Produce Quality Content on a Shoestring Budget with Tony Gnau

There’s a reason TikTok has exploded in popularity and YouTube serves up over a billion videos each day. Videos are naturally engaging! But you don’t have to hire an expensive multimedia team to create company videos. In this clip from B2B Forum in 2022, video storyteller Tony Gnau shares his tips on creating your own […]

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Future Guide to Email Marketing: How to Drive B2B Email Success in 2023 and Beyond, with Michael Barber

You know your email Open Rates and CTRs… but do you know the RFM of your subscribers? Do you know your reply rate ratios? These helpful metrics are often overshadowed by the data provided by your email service provider. But Michael Barber believes these are more important, and they can be used to support investments […]

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How to Overcome the Biggest B2B Buying Barriers with Nancy Harhut

“We don’t need that, thanks.” Nobody in marketing or sales wants to hear that from a prospect. You have great solutions—why can’t they understand that?! But there are ways to overcome objections. In this clip from her 2022 B2B Forum presentation, Nancy Harhut (chief creative officer at HBT Marketing) shares five common objections that prevent […]

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Why Don’t I Rank? These Are The 5 Big Reasons You Aren’t Getting Traffic From Search

Think your on-page SEO is all about keywords and links? Think again. Andy Crestodina (co-founder of Orbit Media) says there’s a key aspect to SEO ranking: User Interaction Signals. These signals show Google that people are interested in your content. And there are ways to increase these signals, thereby increasing your SEO rankings. Watch this […]

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Revenue Marketing Metrics: The Only Framework You Will Ever Need, by Tish Millsap

Marketing drives revenue. But it’s often seen as a cost center instead of a driver. Which makes marketing vulnerable to budget cuts. So how do you correct this perception in your organization? In this clip from B2B Forum 2022, Tish Millsap (CEO of Revenate Marketing) shares her insights on translating your marketing language into the […]

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Become a Marketing Yogi, with Paul Ince

The beauty of digital marketing is the instantaneous availability of metrics. Are you updating your marketing efforts based on that quick feedback? In this insightful clip from B2B Forum 2022, Paul Ince from LikeMind Media shares the importance of moving quickly, being flexible, and using data to course-correct your marketing. Watch Paul’s clip or read […]

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Exactly How B2B Marketers Earn Trust: Evidence-Based Content, by Melanie Deziel

Your audience is skeptical. Not because of anything you did. But because they’re surrounded by claims, scams, and fraud. But there are things you can do to counteract that skepticism. Number one: provide proof! In this clip from her presentation at B2B Forum in 2022, Melanie Deziel reminds us of the importance of providing proof. […]

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B2B Stories are NOT Boring, with Bobby Lehew

Humans love stories. They’re how we’ve passed along information for millions of years. But too often, we think of B2B stories as boring. Something to be avoided, or minimized. But that’s wrong, says Bobby Lehew, Chief Content Officer at commonsku. If our B2B stories are boring, it’s because we’re not doing it right. In this […]

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The Evolution of Influence: Rethinking How B2B Brands Partner With Experts

Influencer marketing isn’t what a lot of B2B brands think it is. As Ashley Zeckman (VP Strategy & Customer Success at Onalytica) explains in this except from her 2022 presentation at B2B Forum: Influencers are not Affiliates! So what ARE they? And how do they fit into your marketing strategy? To find out, watch Ashley’s […]

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Dawn of the Next-Gen B2B Marketer with Paul Roetzer

AI is just getting started, says Paul Roetzer. And the sooner you incorporate AI, the better chance you have to succeed in business. But there are levels of AI’s competency. You don’t want AI to run the company, for example. Instead you want lower-level AI to handle the mundane… While your people do the uniquely […]

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Powerful Secrets for Creating Addictive Website Copy for Every Single Industry by Liz Murphy

Copywriters love to write. But how do you keep your readers engaged? Liz Murphy demonstrates with a story she told at B2B Forum in 2022… a story everyone can relate to… but with a lesson copywriters often forget when writing. Watch Liz share her lesson, or read the transcript below. Transcript Let’s go ahead and […]

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Creative Briefs are Your Friend: Streamlining the Creative Process

Do you work from a clear, concise creative brief? Bryan Smith, B2B marketing executive, spoke to a packed house at B2B Forum in 2023. He hammered on the importance of a quality creative brief and how it helps everyone stay aligned on a project. Watch the video or read the transcript below. Transcript How do […]

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Making Marketing More Personal, not Personalized

How can you make your marketing more personal? In this excerpt from her 2022 B2B Forum presentation, Cathy Colliver shares how her company connected with their core audience through a simple rubber duck. For you, a rubber duck may not mean much. But for many in Cathy’s audience, it had a very personal meaning—and it […]

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Who is Your Customer? Capturing (and Maintaining) the Data Points That Matter

Bad data is responsible for an estimated 10% in lost revenue! Clearly, data integrity is a big deal for marketers. You can’t market to non-existent prospects. Employee churn is one reason for CRM data to decay. But it’s not the only reason—and it doesn’t matter why. Accurate data is key to targeted marketing efforts. Here’s […]

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The 4 Pillars of Thought Leadership with Ashley Faus

What’s it take to be a Thought Leader? In this excerpt from 2022’s B2B Forum, Ashley Faus (director of Integrated Product Marketing at Atlassian) shares the four pillars that support thought leadership. Watch this insightful excerpt or read Ashley’s transcript below. And for more excellent presentations and sessions on being a market leader, join us […]

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How to Create a Behavioral, Data-Driven Content Strategy That Converts with Kenda Macdonald

Don’t make random acts of content! In this clip, Kenda Macdonald, owner of Automation Ninjas and best-selling author of Hack the Buyer Brain, explains what a random act of content is—and how to create a data-driven strategy instead. Get Kenda’s conversion insights in this video clip, or read the transcript below. And don’t miss Kenda […]

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The Importance of Community, The Role Fear Plays in Forming Communities, and How You As a Marketer Can Fight Against Fear with Jacco van der Kooij

After three years of intense social change, Jacco van der Kooij gave the closing keynote at 2022’s B2B Forum. Jacco highlighted the importance of community, the role fear plays in forming communities, and how you as a marketer can fight against fear. Check out a clip from Jacco’s keynote here, or read the transcript below. […]

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Non-Techy Marketer’s Guide to GA4 with Janet Driscoll Miller

Google Analytics 4 is a big change from Universal Analytics (UA), aka Google Analytics 3. And UA will stop functioning on July 1, 2023. So time is ticking to make the move from UA to GA4. But what’s so great about GA4 anyways? And what’s still there—but under a new name or work flow? Janet […]

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Ann Handley on the Challenges of Brand Voice

Ann Handley gets writing. The struggles, the joys, the missteps, the wins. After all, she wrote the book on it: Everybody Writes. And then she re-wrote the book—Everybody Writes: Your New-and-Improved Go-To Guide For Creating Ridiculously Good Content—because even Ann knows, everything can be improved with a re-write. Ann celebrated the release of her second […]

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Reimagining Marketing Management and Leadership with Christopher S. Penn and Katie Robbert

How do you grow a small company when a leader isn’t cut out for management? That was Christopher S. Penn’s challenge. In 2016, he excelled at his technological role as Vice President of Marketing Technology. But not so much at the people and project management side of things. So he brought on Katie Robbert to […]

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The importance of Marketing Technology—MarTech with Pam Didner

Digital marketing’s strongest advantage over traditional marketing is the availability of backend data. And when you understand that data, you can connect the dots in ways that give you strategic advantages to your marketing and your career. Pam Didner discusses the importance of Marketing Technology—MarTech—and how to get started with MarTech backend data in this […]

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Designing a Life You Love To Live By Rethinking Everything with Carlos Hidalgo

I spoke at a conference last year, and a very smart woman who spoke before me said… “This is our time to create as much wealth as we can for ourselves and our families, and we’re gonna have to work our asses off to do it. And we know when it’s all said and done, […]

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Taking the Numb Out of Numbers with Mona Chalabi

I’m gonna talk to you a little bit about creativity when it comes to data.  So when I first graduated from college, the plan was always to go and work for the United Nations. That was kind of what I had my heart set on, and I was creating data visualizations about refugee movements.  And […]

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The Surprising Role of Creativity in B2B Marketing with Pierce Ujjainwalla

Creativity is the Best Way to Connect with Your Audience Humans actually now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish—less than 10 seconds. We’re getting bombarded with more ads and more noise than ever before.  So how do you stand out? I think that is about creativity. And today, I’m going to give you […]

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What B2B Marketers Can Learn from a Swiftie: Create, Connect, Call Back Like Taylor Swift with Ahava Leibtag [Part 3]

And now (drumroll)… Part 3 of Ahava Leibtag’s fall 2022 #mpb2b presentation, Break Through the Noise: B2B Like Rockstar Taylor Swift. In Part 1, we learned how to take Taylor’s lead in keeping the attention of our current customers while bringing in new fans/customers. In Part 2, Ahava showed us how to give old content […]

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What B2B Marketers Can Learn from a Swiftie: Create, Connect, Call-back Like Taylor Swift with Ahava Leibtag [Part 2]

Ready for more marketing lessons from T-Swift? Ahava Leibtag gets into it below in this second entry from her popular presentation, Break Through the Noise: B2B Like Rockstar Taylor Swift. — Break Through the Noise: B2B Like Rockstar Taylor Swift, Part 2: “This is Andy Crestodina, everybody’s favorite guy. Woo woo! Andy is as obsessed […]

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What B2B Marketers Can Learn from a Swiftie: Create, Connect, Call-back Like Taylor Swift with Ahava Leibtag [Part 1]

What does music star Taylor Swift have to teach you about B2B Marketing? Ahava Leibtag shared her T-Swift insights—and love—in her 2022 B2B Forum presentation, Break Through the Noise: B2B Like Rockstar Taylor Swift. Here’s a piece from Ahava’s wildly popular session (or you can watch the video below). — “Taylor Swift is Taylor Swift. […]

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The Formula for Increasing Sales: The Awareness Stages [#mpb2b Speaker Series]

When a customer chooses to purchase your product, their decision isn’t just based on you having the right pricing or even whether it’s the right product.  It’s also about how important the brain thinks your specific product is—how valuable that product is to that consumer at that moment in time. In other words, when people […]

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How to Become a Trusted Voice in the Sustainability Conversation [#mpb2b Speaker Series]

As the Senior Content Solutions Evangelist at LinkedIn, Purna Virji has her finger on the pulse of customer trends. She’s seen first-hand how brand messaging connects with audiences and she joined us on the #mpb2b 2022 virtual stage to show us how to make our sustainability messages stand tall. You can also catch this snippet […]

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Show Me Why I Should Go to MarketingProfs B2B Forum

  Seeing is believing, so if you haven’t experienced B2B Forum, take a look, a listen, or whatever option doesn’t disturb your co-workers or sound weird to anyone else eavesdropping on your home office! And sure a [moving] picture may be worth a thousand words, but hey, we also like words too, so here are […]

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B2B Forum Workshops Are Back: Sharpen your Strategy, Demand Gen, and Storytelling Skills

Does a “workshop” sound like a lot of… well, work? You may be right. But that’s where the magic happens—the ability to iterate and update your efforts with direct feedback. The circle of subject matter experts around you, sharing ideas and building value. Even the freedom to raise your hand to say, “I don’t know.” […]

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Engaging Customers on Social Media in “Boring” Industries [#mpb2b Speaker Series]

A conversation with Stacey Holsinger, owner of Steel Toe Communications (a digital marketing and communication consultancy for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry) We recently sat down with Stacey to discuss why you need to identify your industry’s missing motivators and incorporate them into your social strategy — especially for products, services, or brands […]

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Rethinking Your Relationship With Your Customers [#mpb2b Speaker Series]

A conversation with John Jantsch, Founder of Duct Tape Marketing We recently sat down with John to talk about how he views and caters to today’s customers, and what attendees can expect from his B2B Forum session Rethinking the Customer Journey. MarketingProfs: Buyers are in control of their own journey now – so, what do […]

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Uncovering Three Universal Truths About Customer Experience [#mpb2b Speaker Series]

A conversation with Jeannie Walters, CEO and Founder of Experience Investigators Customer experience (CX) is everywhere. Forget the outdated notion that it’s only about customer service. It now stretches across every touchpoint and expectations are high. And that means that marketing is being tasked with more aspects of CX all the time. Here’s a recent chat […]

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