Pass Type: All Access Pass, Main Conference Pass
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Session Topic: Marketing & Sales Alignment
In a world of constant fluctuation, all marketers want to know how to respond to change without losing sight of our long-term marketing objectives (or totally losing it). While there are barriers to that goal we all know exist (looking at you, stakeholders), the real problem is putting out fires without neglecting strategic goals.
Marketers need a system that helps us strike a balance between urgency and importance. Emergencies and fire drills are never going away. Which means, to achieve our goal, we have to create a system that allows urgent work and important work to coexist. How? By creating Agile marketing plans designed to provide clear strategic directions AND respond to important changes.
Join Agile marketing pioneer and 18-year digital marketer Andrea Fryrear as she reveals the Agile tools that allow marketers to balance the urgent with the important.
In this session, you’ll learn how to: